privacy policy

When reading this privacy policy the term ‘Our Company’ refers to Topguard Kennels. When you use our web site services, you trust us with your information. This Privacy Policy is meant to help you understand what data we collect, why we collect it, and what we do with it. When you share information with us, we can make our services even better for you. For instance, providing us with your contact details enables us to get in touch with you. As you use our services, we want you to be clear how we’re using information and the ways in which you can protect your privacy. This is important; we hope you will take time to read it carefully. Remember, you can find controls to manage your information and protect your privacy and security. We’ve tried to keep it as simple as possible.

Our customers have the right to access, correct and delete personal data relating to them, and to object to the processing of such data, by addressing a written request, at any time. Our Company makes every effort to put in place suitable precautions to safeguard the security and privacy of personal data, and to prevent it from being altered, corrupted, destroyed or accessed by unauthorized third parties. However, Our Company does not control each and every risk related to the use of the Internet, and therefore warns the Site users of the potential risks involved in the functioning and use of the Internet. The Site may include links to other web sites or other internet sources. As Our Company cannot control these web sites and external sources, Our Company cannot be held responsible for the provision or display of these web sites and external sources, and may not be held liable for the content, advertising, products, services or any other material available on or from these web sites or external sources.

Beyond you sending us your contact details in order to start a dialogue about your enquiry, we do not collect, harvest or distribute your personal details to any other party or parties. You will not receive promotional email or SMS messages from us. You will not receive promotional email, telephone calls, and postal mail from Our Company. These choices do not apply to mandatory service communications that are part of certain web site services. If you create an account on our online store, you will be able to manage your personal details by logging in and editing your information.

Our website collects data to operate effectively. You provide some of this data directly, such as when you send a message through our contact form. We get some of it by recording how you interact with our services by, for example, using technologies like cookies, and receiving error reports or usage data from software running on your device. We also obtain data from third parties like Google analytics.

Our web site uses the data we collect for two basic purposes: to operate our business and provide the services we offer and to send communications. In carrying out these purposes, we combine data we collect through the various web site services you use to give you a more seamless, consistent experience. However, to enhance privacy, we have built in technological and procedural safeguards designed to prevent certain data combinations. For example, we store data we collect from you separately from any account information that directly identifies you, such as your name, email address or phone number.

We don’t share your personal data without your consent or as necessary to complete any transaction or provide any service you have requested or authorized. For example, we share your content with third parties when you tell us to do so. When you provide payment data to pay an invoice, we will share payment data with banks and other entities that process payment transactions or provide other financial services, and for fraud prevention and credit risk reduction.